Friday, July 9, 2010

Family Visits

In the past few months we've had quite a few visitors. It's been great! We've been able to go to Disneyland, the beach, swimming, and do many more exciting things while we had company. Here are some picture updates from the past few months.

Nana and Ava are reading a story together.

 We needed documentation that we rode the big ferris wheel at Disneyland.

Ben's family came into town:

Ava loved having someone to tag along with. Here she found Ben's hat and decided she wanted to wear it around for a while.

Ben and I got $10 tickets (each way) to San Fransisco, so we took the opportunity to get away and go see Wicked. It was super fun!

Back at home, Ava had fun when I took her to the mall's Playground.

She's becoming quite the independent explorer, which leads to some interesting experiences:

Fourth of July was fun- we didn't do too much, but we felt pretty patriotic.

Ava has been a bit more cuddly lately, especially with Ben. I'm so jealous!!

I bought a little harness backpack for when we go to Utah in a few weeks. I put it on Ava just so she could start getting used to it, but to my surprise she loved it and didn't want it off!

Shyla and Eden are staying with us for a few days while they finish moving to Utah. Ava and Eden had a fun time in the tub.

That's a quick update on our lives! Hopefully this makes up for the months of nothing I've been doing! So sorry! Happy July!


Tara said...

Is Little Miss Ava walking? How fun! She looks adorable!

Breanne said...

She's getting so big! I can't believe her birthday is in a few weeks!!!! You better set aside some time to go out with us girls while you're here :)

Ben said...

Aw, those pictures are so much fun! I miss you guys and can't wait for you to come home next week!

Stefanie said...

So cute!!! Thanks for the update :)