Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ava's Seventh Month

It's been really hard to put up pictures recently, because I've been taking them with my iPhone, and the computer that downloads all my pictures just died. RIP Acer. Anyway, tonight I finally took the time to email myself some fairly recent pictures, and I thought I would put a few of them up.
"I spy with my little eye......" Ava! When Ava wakes up from naps she always keeps an eye on the door to make sure you are coming to get her....
Ever since she learned how to roll over she sleeps on her side. I think it's sooooo cute!
"What's that, Mom? There's a big flower on my head?"
Ava's BFF, Eden. Ava is keeping Eden's ear from falling.
"I just love to visit Dad at work and flirt with all the boys!!"
"Sometimes I get so excited that my arms flap like a bird!"
"Mom, aren't I so smart?! I can do this all by myself!"
 Ava getting a kiss from her BFF.
 Ava and the Easter Bunnies. She actually smiled, but the lady taking the picture didn't give her a chance. Oh well....

Ava is doing so many new things, such as walking along things, standing up in her crib, and growing her hair so long that I can't just leave it curly anymore. I've had to start pulling it up in pony and pigtails to keep it out of her eyes. I just can't believe how big she is getting.


Tara said...

I am so impressed that she is cruising, kneeling, and standing up in her crib. Cort isn't even close. I think he is content with letting his big sister do things for him.

She is a doll!

Breanne said...

I can't believe how big she's getting!! Miss you!

Stefanie said...

That huge flower is so cute. And what a smile!!! Love her!

Susanna said...

Awwww, what a cutie! I love the big flower bow, so darling....but what can I expect from one of the most beautiful women in the world!

Janadt.Huggins said...

Just found your blog. Ava is ADORABLE!!! I can totally see her mommy in her. You dress her so cute. I love it.