Monday, January 31, 2011

Ava lately

Ava is getting to be such a grown up! Lately she loves to do whatever mommy and daddy are doing. She'll get in her toy car and say "work, work" and then "bye bye!" to let us know she's off to work. She's doing well in swimming lessons and can go underwater for a couple seconds without any problems (no coughing or eyes hurting or anything!) and she can float on her back all by herself for about 5 seconds!

Mommy is getting ready to have Baby Boy Rotz (she can't wait!) and we've all been sick for the past few days. Ava has been so good at being happy throughout it all, and as I look at how I'm acting when I'm sick, she's definitely the more mature one (daddy gets really pouty when he's sick!)


Shyla said...

She is so big it's ridiculous! Good thing baby boy rotz is coming soon.

Gigi said...

that is so good that she is swimming!! she looks so adorable!!!