Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So it turns out I have a hard time blogging more than once a month. I try really hard to stay on top of things, but it never quite works out. This last month has been crazy! We've had lots of outings, but not as many pictures as I would like. In March Ben took a day off work and we went whale watching and to Disney. It was really nice. Ben had never been on Tower of Terror before, so it was really fun to experience that with him for the first time. Ava has been feeling better, so we've been able to get a lot more sleep. We've also been able to get out and swim a lot, thanks to the wonderful California weather.
Just yesterday Ava started standing up in her crib when she's ready to get up from a nap. The problem is that it might not be time for her to get up, and she doesn't know how to sit down once she's gotten up. What am I going to do??? Last night we tried to get her to go to sleep for about an hour and a half before Ben finally rocked her to sleep. (We will not be doing that on a continuous basis.) Then she was back up for me at 2:30 this morning standing and singing to us. Thankfully she laid back down and went to sleep, but it's not easy to have to keep getting up throughout the night.
Ava also has a friend named "Bob." No one really knows who Bob is, but Ava sure loves him. She goes around saying "Bobobobobob" all day long, especially when she sees her reflection in the mirror. Maybe THAT'S Bob.
Not much else has transpired over the past month. Ben's parents came to visit, so we got the opportunity to do some fun things, but other than that we just play at the pool and run errands. I know- what a rough life!

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