Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2 Months

Beckham had his two month appointment today, and here are his stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 12 1/2 oz (92%)

Height: 24 inches (85%)

Head Circumference: 16 inches (73%)

The doctor said that anyone looking at Beckham would just assume he's a 4 month old. Why do my kids always have to be so big?? I love it and hate it at the same time. He's just growing up so fast, and if this is my last baby, I want him to stay a baby for a while. He's a cute little chunk, though. Here are some things he's doing for us:

Self soothing
Sleeping- he sleeps from about 7 at night until 2:30 in the morning, eats, and then goes back to sleep until 6:30

He doesn't cry very much for me (he does a little more for Ben, but once Ben gets the swaddling thing down, he'll be just fine).

1 comment:

tothe4thfloor said...

Oh my word. My next baby better be like that!