Thursday, March 24, 2011

Baby Beckham is Born

Happy day! Basically in labor already on my own! Let's get this baby out!

Me: "He's so tiny!" Dr. Capo: "Uh, he's still about 8 1/2 pounds."

Daddy time

Beckham Connor Rotz

Wait... I had the baby, but he's  the one sleeping?

Beckham Connor was born on February 19, 2011. He was supposed to come on the 18th, but the L&D floor of the hospital didn't have any room for us. Thankfully, Dr. Capobianco came in on a Saturday just for us. Little did he know he probably would have been there anyway, since I was already in labor when I came at 8 in the morning. The nurse jokingly said, "Maybe you'll already be 4 cm dilated when I check you." Well, I was. I was also having regular contractions. She still started the pitocin, though.

Around 9:30, the doctor came in and broke my water. I lasted about a 1/2 hour after that before I ordered an epidural cocktail. When I called the nurse to ask for the epidural, she asked me if I was in pain. My response? "Well, not right this second, but when I have a contraction I sure am!" It wasn't as good as my epidural with Ava because my left side took longer for it to take. My right leg was completely dead, but I was still able to move around my left side. It was a little eerie, but after a few minutes everything was better. No more pain.

At about 1030 in the morning the nurse checked me and I was 6 cm dilated, so she told the doctor he could go for his bike ride, since it would probably be a few more hours. Well, at 11 I started feeling a lot of pressure with my contractions. A few minutes of that and I called the nurse back in to check me. I felt bad, since she was just in there, but it was really uncomfortable. I was 9 cm when she checked, and as soon as she finished I said, "I need to push." She re-checked me and I was fully dilated and Beckham was coming! She stopped the pitocin, called the doctor, and I panted for 30 minutes until he got there. I remember that one other girl was waiting for him, too, but my nurse told hers that I was in the room panting, so I trumped her and got the doc first.

When Dr. Capo came in, he asked me to do one practice push, and when I did, he said, "Ok, I'm going to get dressed. Don't push." Once he was ready, it took 2 pushes and the little man was out! I thought he was so tiny, but my doctor said, "Uh.. I bet he's still about 8 1/2 pounds." He was almost spot on. Beckham was 8 pounds, 5 ounces. He was born at 1149 in the morning, and was 19.5 inches at birth (but 21.5 inches at 5 days, so ??? He was also 9 pounds 6 ounces at 5 days, too.)

We are so happy to have him here! He's such a good baby! He has much fairer skin. His pediatrician told me he was the least jaundiced baby he had ever seen. We also were informed by him that we won the prize for the most weight gained since birth at the 5 day appointment.

Anyway, he's gotten himself on a schedule, which is great, but he's still waking up every 3-4 hours at night. He eats 4-5 ounces a feeding, so I'm hoping that soon he'll calm down and sleep more during the night. Until then, I'm just thrilled if we all get showers and dressed by the time Daddy leaves for work.


Tara said...

He is perfect, Courtney! And I love his name! Congrats on his being least jaundiced baby and gaining the most weight! Seriously - send me tips! We always have jaundice/weight problems.

Stefanie said...

What a cutie! I've been dying for pics of him and Ava! Glad you're doing well!

Treasure Valley Family said...

Congrats! Court I had no idea you had another baby! He is so cute. I am so happy for you guys. One of each! That's so fun for you.