Thursday, September 24, 2009

Restrictions, restrictions

So today I am throwing myself a small pity party. Don't worry, I'll make it brief. I spoke to Ava's pediatrician regarding her poops. Let me just point out that she brought it up first. Anyway, she's concerned that Ava might be sensitive to more than just me drinking milk, so she took me off ALL dairy for the next five days. That's added to the no eggs in anything rule. SO... what can I eat? Toast but no butter, salads but no creamy dressings, uhhh, sandwiches but no cheese or mayo, and meat but no battery stuff on it. Aren't you all jealous?? On the plus side, I get all the fresh fruits and veggies I want and I might just lose the rest of the baby weight with this strict diet. Hmmm... maybe it's not so bad after all. :-) Be sure to check out the video of Ava "talking" to me- it's my fave!


Unknown said...

Don't worry, you'll be in your skinny jeans in no time.

When are you coming to visit, we'll eat some apples.

Stefanie said...

What baby weight?!?! I'm sorry about the restrictions though.